
Speaking comes with immense privilege, and I want to use that privilege to help the tech community be as inclusive as possible. So with that in mind, this is my speaker rider. I understand smaller meetups and community events may not be able to meet all requirements. However, this rider does apply to all commercial conferences.

If I say no to your event (even if you do all of the below), please don't take it personally! I may be burned out, or need to spend more time focusing on my actual job (Boring, I know).


🛩️ Travel

🏨 Lodging

💰 Honorarium

🎟 Ticket

Event logistics

📝 Code of Conduct (CoC)

💻 Audio / Visual

🙎🏾‍♀️ Representation

🎙 Stage

Intellectual Property

Making contact

Still with me? Cool, let's get in touch.

You can email at mina@mina.codes. If your email goes unanswered, please don't hesitate to re-email (my apologies).

For best results, please include the following details if you can: